The current news out of Washington regarding the detention and deportation of immigrants coupled with the administration's new edicts about the transgender community is unsettling for members of the Needham community. Unfortunately, we've been here before.
In February 2017 I sent the following letter to Needham students and their families, and it's important to share it once again:Dear Needham High School Students:
In the last several weeks there has been much news from Washington about stopping certain Muslims from entering the country, deporting undocumented immigrants, and halting Federal support for transgender youth.
While these actions taken by the administration may not directly affect each Needham student or community member, collectively these actions impact us all by sending a message that an individual human being is not welcomed, wanted, or valued. And when any one individual is humiliated or demeaned, our entire community is impacted - our sense of belonging, dignity, and respect is fractured and makes all of us vulnerable and less safe.
At a time when it seems easy to target and marginalize certain people, I'd like to share a personal story.
Once as a young boy I accompanied my dad to his office in downtown Chicago. This was a big deal for a little kid, taking the train into the city, and it was especially meaningful to spend time with my very busy father for a whole day. Dad was a serious and no nonsense man who never slowed down and worked hard every day. And he also walked fast on crowded downtown sidewalks, dodging people and rushing through the crowds! As we careened toward his office, I struggled to keep up as I wondered in awe at the hustle and bustle of a chaotic urban scene, dwarfed by skyscrapers.
Suddenly, in mid step, Dad halted and I stumbled into him. He stepped just a foot or two away from me, and I observed him lean into a tattered, bearded, and destitute man slumped against a building with his thin and dirty hand extended to my father. Everything around me seemed to stop as Dad whispered something into the man's ears, and the man nodded slowly as my father pressed a bill into his fingers and held this man's hands for just a moment. Before I knew what was happening, my father stepped away, grabbed my hand, and we were back on our way, darting between taxis and delivery trucks on our way to his office.
Oh, boy did I have questions! What just happened? My dad just talked to a stranger! He even gave him money! Had he done this before? Why? My very serious, self reliant, "be wary of strangers" and "mind your own business" father paused on his way to work and engaged, however briefly, with someone he did not know - a person clearly down on his luck. I had a great day at the office with my father, wondering the entire time about the encounter with the stranger.
Later that evening on the way to bed, I approached my dad who had his head buried in the newspaper and asked him what he said to the man: How much money did he give him? Did he know him? Wasn't he afraid of the man? Why did he help him? My father put down the newspaper, looked me straight in the eye, paused, and then said simply: "Everyone matters."
It took me a long time to completely understand what Dad meant that day. Eventually, I came to understand the many lessons my parents offered me and my siblings about caring for others, being a good citizen and neighbor, and recognizing that all people - especially those who may be struggling - are a meaningful part of the broader community, no matter what we look like or how we seem to others. My father never did tell me what he whispered to that stranger, but it really was irrelevant because his simple action impressed upon me the human need to be seen, included and respected. I learned that day that we are all connected and "Everyone matters."
I want students and their families whose immigration status is uncertain, transgender students, or any student who feels disconnected, marginalized or targeted because of skin color, religious belief, or disability, to know that the Needham Public Schools has your back, and we support you. While Federal officials may roll back certain protections, the Needham Public Schools will uphold our values and abide by Massachusetts laws which provide additional and greater protections to ensure all of Needham's youth - not just some - can attend school and access education in an inclusive and safe environment.
We will support you and your families because we believe in you and know that our community is enriched by the contributions of each extraordinary young person. And we also know that even if only one of us is hurting, if only one of us feels unsafe, all of us have a responsibility to stand up and take care.
Because we know and we believe: Everyone Matters.
Dan. Gutekanst