Sunday, December 13, 2015

Confronting Fear in a Season of Hope

As Jewish families in our community mark the end of Hanukkah and Christians begin preparations for Christmas, I am reminded that this is a special and sacred time of year for so many of Needham’s children.

Sadly, this season has been marred by violence in Paris and San Bernadino and this, in turn, has stoked expressions of fear and outrage against Muslims.  We know that the cowardly and cruel acts of a few should never define the faith and aspirations of the many.  Unfortunately, this weekend the FBI is investigating a firebombing at a California mosque, and here in Massachusetts I have learned that a neighbor and colleague at a private Muslim elementary school is quite anxious about the safety and security of her students and staff.  As an educator I worry that increasing rhetoric and misplaced fear will fuel even more misunderstanding, distrust, hatred, or violence against Muslims. 

Yet I remain hopeful because I believe education is the answer required to assist children to develop the skills, knowledge, mindset, imagination, and courage to tackle enormous dilemmas and problems, especially those related to prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance.

In the Needham Schools I am immensely proud we work hard to ensure that all students, families, and staff are respected and supported regardless of their race, socioeconomic background, nationality, or religious affiliation.  Indeed, we discover, learn about, and celebrate the diversity of our students’ ethnicities, languages, traditions, and cultures through the use of literature and art, classroom discussions, service learning, and community meetings.  We are unafraid to hold discussions, for example, around race or sexual orientation believing that a conversation can begin to build understanding, tolerance, and acceptance.  Of course, we do this work imperfectly and strive to remember and respect the alternative and contrary point of view. 

During the holidays—and every day—let’s remember to support those among us who look, speak, or pray differently than we do.  Let’s support our Muslim colleagues and families during a time of uncertainty and wariness.  Let’s use our classrooms, dining rooms, and houses of worship to assist young people to learn about others, especially as we prepare them for a world hungry for their energy, resilience, creativity, and leadership.

I hope you and your family enjoy a safe and joyful season of peace.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

FY17 Budget Proposal: The Cost of Maintaining an Excellent Education for All Students

The FY17 (School Year 2016-17) budget proposal I submitted to the Needham School Committee outlines the minimum resources the schools need to support the educational program for our students, one that is consistent with the District’s core values of Scholarship, Citizenship, Community, and Personal Growth.  You may view my presentation here:  FY17 Proposed Budget Presentation to the School Committee Essentially, this budget proposal is a “maintenance” plan that addresses core services without requesting any significant dollars for new programs. 

The proposed budget requests an additional 5.6% funding increase over the current fiscal year, although most of this increase is to provide for a similar level of service as we have in classrooms and schools this year. In fact, about 99% of the total $3.4 million requested proposes level service for 2016-17.  Given that the Town will have limited new revenue and escalating costs (e.g., employee health insurance) I will recommend only a small increase, under $44,000, for program development even though school leaders sought over $700,000 in enhancements and improvements.  

Several key budget “drivers” are impacting the proposed FY17 budget plan.  Among them:

•  Contractual Salary Increases  Contractual obligations for all existing employees account for $1.4 million, or about half of the total requested increase.  In order to recruit, support, and retain a talented faculty and staff, we must provide reasonable yet competitive salaries for our staff, teachers, and school leaders.

•  Enrollment and Class Size  While overall enrollment is projected to increase only slightly next year, there remains a need to ensure class sizes stay within acceptable School Committee policy guidelines.  I will propose 11.73 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) classroom teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels to keep class sizes steady and make up for the loss of grant funds. Hillside, for example, will require 1.5 FTE new classroom teachers just to keep up with growing enrollment there.  New high school teachers are proposed to make up for the loss of grant funding.  Additionally, nursing (high school) and guidance support (elementary) is proposed to increase to ensure an appropriate amount of service is maintained.

•  Increased Special Education Costs  Increases in the number of special education students being served, special education tuition, transportation for special education students, and other mandated costs total approximately $1.1 million of the new funds requested.

•  Other Level Services  Small increases in funding are proposed to ensure continued K-12 curriculum leadership and programs ($56,814), upgraded technology supplies and services ($72,550), and literacy, math, art, science materials and resources ($60,905) are provided.  If funded, these requests will maintain the same level of service next year to students and staff as the current school year.

Where possible, we have reallocated existing resources to meet new challenges, including a growing list of state and federal mandates.  Unfortunately, many important and worthwhile proposals suggested by school leaders—all designed to enhance and strengthen student learning—have been deferred to the future.

While the budget proposal is sensible and carefully considered, it will be a challenge to secure all the resources required to maintain existing programs, especially as the Schools and Town evaluate a variety of important educational and municipal needs. 

I am mindful that the Town Manager, School Committee, Finance Committee, or Town Meeting may have different priorities, so this plan remains a work in progress throughout the winter and early spring.  In other words, based on available resources and in close collaboration with Town boards, various line items in the proposal may be changed, increased, or deferred for another time.

The School Committee welcomes input and suggestions about the budget plan and encourages parents and community members to email them with comments at and attend or tune in to upcoming meetings.  The School Committee will study and discuss the budget proposal throughout December and January, and they will hold a formal public hearing on the budget at Broadmeadow on Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00 p.m.  Please also refer to the District’s website for additional information about the budget proposal:  FY17 Budget Documents

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Proposed New School at Central Avenue!

I am very pleased that the Needham School Committee has voted unanimously to select a site on Central Avenue for a new Hillside Elementary School.  The site, currently the Owen’s Poultry Farm property and adjacent houses, is an excellent choice for a new school for several reasons:

The proposed school on the site.
Central Avenue is at bottom of drawing; click to enlarge image.

First, the site meets each of the priorities (italicized below) the School Committee identified for a new elementary school in 2012:

  Elementary schools need sufficient space for an educational program consisting of 24 classrooms, K-5 or four sections per grade, and Full Day Kindergarten.  As planned, the school’s design capacity is for 430 students but can easily accommodate 544 students.  Full Day Kindergarten is planned for the school.

  Elementary schools should be neighborhood-based.   An analysis shows that a similar number of students will walk to a new school on Central Avenue as they currently do to Hillside; the fewest number of students would be able to walk to DeFazio.

  Reduce transportation costs when possible.  The same number of buses will be needed for a Central Avenue school; DeFazio or other sites outside the current district would require at least two new buses and additional and ongoing operating expenses.  Five buses—the same number as today—will travel to and from the school on Central Avenue.

  Minimize redistricting when possible.  No major redistricting will be necessary, although some minor redistricting could occur to help balance classes in Town.

  Minimize costs that will not be reimbursed or are considered temporary (i.e., modular classrooms).  No temporary classrooms will need to be constructed; students will remain at Hillside until the project is complete.

Students will enjoy this view to the west.

Second, the site provides ample, sufficient, and appropriate space for all of the educational and programmatic needs identified by the School Committee, school staff, and the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). 

  The 24 classrooms are complemented with additional classrooms for Spanish, technology, the arts, performing arts, music, physical education, and special education.  The site provides enough space to ensure that flexible academic and learning space for each grade level is also included in the design.

  Offices, meeting rooms, storage, and conference areas are planned as well.  A 6,000 square foot gym, cafeteria with additional areas for quiet eating zones, and separate performance stage are all part of the design.  Additionally, outdoor play areas, including an art area, playground, hardscape basketball and foursquare areas as well as field space are all components of the plan.  A walking trail to the hill is also a design possibility and will extend the available learning and play space for children.

  Parking, including separate parent and bus access points are included as well as an additional emergency access drive for public safety.  Parking for over 100 cars (twice as many as currently exist at Hillside today) is planned.  In addition, parent and staff access, including student drop off/pick up, will be designed to minimize traffic queuing on Central Avenue and ensure student and neighborhood safety.

  The school’s planned entrance is sufficiently set back from the road approximately 185 feet.  The Broadmeadow entrance is located about 200 feet from the road, and Mitchell is situated 160 feet from Brookline Avenue.

Third, the Central Avenue site will allow the Town to preserve two potential future sites for School or Town use:  The existing Hillside campus and DeFazio. 

It is important to the School Committee that sufficient land be available for a future school should the community require one due to enrollment needs, program expansion, or educational requirements.

Finally, the Central Avenue site is beautiful and safe and will be a wonderful venue for children to grow, learn, play, and achieve.

Properly designed, the Central Avenue site provides for student, staff, and family comfort, safety and security; enjoyable play areas, including green and hardscape spaces; walking, gathering, and outdoor learning areas; and an appropriately sized school that allows for enrollment growth. 

Student safety and security will be critical components of the school’s design, including student drop off/pick up areas.  Existing crossing guards will be redeployed to the school and adjacent streets as determined by public safety officials.  In addition, the Permanent Public Building Committee (PPBC) will invite neighbors to comment on and become involved in the school site design to ensure the disruption to the community will be minimized and traffic concerns can be managed and mitigated through thoughtful consultation, planning, and design.

The expansive conservation area to the west toward Wellesley, the woods on the north side of the property, and the long forgotten trail to the hill offer a scenic, picturesque, and attractive school setting—one that will allow students and staff to take advantage of the venue unhindered from the demands of a busy athletic/DPW site and in a way that complements, supports, and enriches the educational program.

This is the north view of the proposed Central Avenue site.

 The Central Avenue site will offer the Town an extraordinary venue to build an exceptional elementary school for the Hillside community, a school that will serve the needs of Needham’s children for several generations to come.

For more information about the Hillside planning process, check out the District’s website:  Hillside Planning

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Don’t worry about Teaching. Focus on Learning.

We have enjoyed a great start to the school year in Needham!  Before students returned to classes earlier this month, I met with all of our teachers, staff, and administrators to prepare for the new school year ahead. 

I urged them to not worry about teaching.  I encouraged them to focus, instead, on learning.  Following are excerpts of my comments to the faculty and staff at our August 31st meeting:

This year let’s keep our eye on how we are learning and how our students are learning rather than worrying and fretting about how we are teaching.  Let’s de-emphasize the teaching and highlight the learning.  Let’s turn it around a bit.

In fact, let’s do two things: Let’s lean on one another to share ideas, create plans, listen, observe, and problem solve.  Use your colleagues—whether you are a teacher, nurse, aide, or secretary—to learn and innovate together.  We simply can’t afford to do it alone. 

Let’s lean on our students to do the very same thing.  Let’s involve them in deep and real ways to enrich and support the learning dynamic in the classroom.  For example, I know this year our 7th grade teachers will often be leaning on our 7th grade students to assist them with iPad and technology questions.  What a great opportunity for teachers and students to learn together!

Sometimes we are afraid to learn because it inevitably leads to a wrong answer, misjudgment, or mistake. I think it is simply more comfortable to direct, administrate, and teach.  It puts us in control, and we retain power and confidence! Learning, however, leaves you vulnerable, questioning, uncertain.  Learning leaves us exposed.

That space between not knowing and deep understanding is scary and uncomfortable;  it’s a place that creates stress, tension, and doubt.  It’s also a place that is exciting, promising, mysterious—and can be great fun. Fortunately, we are in a District that will support our learning in this space; we have the mindset, tools, and energy to take risks and try new things or make new relationships.  Our core value of personal growth promotes learning readiness and the evolving educator evaluation model supports this kind of learning.

Now if we are going to focus on learning—and with thanks and apologies to Canadian education researcher Michael Fullan—I’ll expect that we adopt some clear expectations around how we will learn together.   I want all administrators and teachers to support their own learning during faculty meetings, collaboration and common planning time by taking five actions I have borrowed from Fullan that I believe will improve instruction and provide better results for all learners, especially students:

1.     Discuss specific student needs (Who are my students?  Does a student require ELL support?  How can we assist them to master new vocabulary? What is the family dynamic?)
2.     Use data that clarifies student needs (Review grade level math data.  Discuss the results of common assessments or MCAS. Consider the use of attendance or discipline reports to guide decision-making.)
3.     Pursue creative and demanding instructional practices (Interdisciplinary learning, integrating the arts and wellness, “Thinking like an Historian.” robust writing and presentation opportunities—the key here, by the way, is high expectations!)
4.     Monitor, discuss, share, and celebrate learning progress (Share and talk about your successes and failures!  Are the interventions working? Visit a colleague’s classroom to observe.  Highlight and celebrate the work of colleagues and students.)
5.     Repeat. (Do it all over again!)

In order to boost learning, this is how our lead learners—teachers and administrators—should use the time the District has provided. 

Colleagues, in the coming days, scores of young people will arrive in our classrooms and schools, and they will be both excited and anxious to begin a new year.  Let’s commit that we will focus our work this year and always on their learning and on our professional growth.

Let’s use our time, resources, and experiences to lean on and support one another in collegial, collaborative, and joyful learning—learning that will enrich our students’ lives and make this world a better place.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Dr. Stern's Advice for College Students: Stay Healthy. Be Safe and Smart.

As students head off to college this week, I am reminded about a recent conversation I had with our School Physician, Dr. Alan Stern, M.D., a local pediatrician and Needham community member and parent who has attended to the needs of hundreds of the community’s children and young adults.

Dr. Stern explained to me that as college-bound students come in for their physicals before they head off to freshman year, he offers them some simple but important advice around sleep, diet, exercise, substance use, and relationships.

  Sleep  Make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep if you want to be alert and awake for class and college success.  “If you want to earn A’s,” Dr. Stern tells them, “You have to catch some Z’s!”

  Diet and Nutrition  Eat regularly and enjoy healthy food.  Fast food and late night snacks are no substitute for balanced and nutritious meals.  Use your meal card to stay fit and healthy.

  Exercise  Stay healthy and fit with a good diet and regular exercise.  Get into the fitness room, jog in the neighborhood, and workout with friends to shake off the day and keep your body and mind strong.

  Alcohol and Drugs  Alcohol and illegal substances are more easily and readily available and accessible in college.  Most college students do not abuse alcohol or drugs, but binge drinking has become a serious health and safety problem.  Think about when, where, and with whom you party and talk to your parents or older siblings about how best to handle certain situations involving drugs and alcohol.

 Relationships  Intimate relationships can develop in college, and it’s important to be smart, safe, and prudent.  This is especially true when it comes to relationships that develop as the result of alcohol and drugs.  Always be aware of your surroundings and stay with friends when you venture out to parties or gatherings.  If you are not comfortable with someone, there is probably a reason for you not to get involved!

Thanks, Dr. Stern, for the good advice.  Undergraduates should also take advantage of on campus health and counseling services when questions or concerns arise.  And to the College Class of 2019:  Best wishes and stay healthy and safe!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Taking Care of Business: School Building & Maintenance Projects in Needham this Summer

This time of year it’s pretty quiet around town:  Needham’s families are away on summer vacation, kids are at camp, and you can actually find parking near the Town Common!

Around the schools, though, it’s a different story.  The Town’s maintenance crews, craftsmen, and contractors are busy getting the schools ready for the fall and the return of students and teachers.  Thanks to the generosity of Needham taxpayers and Town Meeting, over $3 million is being spent on school maintenance and capital improvement projects this summer alone.  Key projects in and around the schools include:

  School Maintenance  Repairs are proceeding in each school building, especially at Pollard, which is undergoing an asbestos abatement project, HVAC upgrades, duct cleaning, and locker replacement.  The installation of new freezers, lighting, and flooring, as needed, at other schools is also part of the work plan. 

  Playgrounds  Outdoor play areas at all of the schools receive ongoing attention with repairs to play equipment, fencing, resurfacing, and general upkeep.  As a result of the ongoing work, our play areas are safe, accessible, and fun!

Newman Fields Reconstruction
  Newman Fields and Eastman Conservation  A major reconstruction and refurbishing of fields and the conservation area on the Newman campus are underway and should mostly be ready when school starts in September.  New drainage, fields, walkway, landscaping, learning areas, and handicapped accessibility will all be addressed with this $2.3 million project.

  Needham High School  Given the growing enrollment at NHS, the Town is investing in the refurbishment of some interior spaces to provide additional classroom seats.  Designed for 1,450 students, Needham High will enroll about 1,680 students this fall, and the
High School Classroom Refurbishing
additional classroom seats will definitely be needed.  The Town has allocated about $600,000 for all school maintenance projects, including the interior classroom work at NHS this summer.  (Architects are also developing plans to expand the high school cafeteria next summer.)

  Hillside Feasibility  The feasibility study is underway, and the School Committee, Selectmen, and Permanent Public Building Committee (PPBC) will review and vote on options for a possible school venue and construction project in the fall.

The Town is clearly committed to maintaining and improving the schools in order to provide an excellent learning environment for each child.  Thanks to Town Manager Kate Fitzpatrick and her incredible team of professionals:  Dave Davison, Chris Coleman, Chip Laffey, Rick Merson, Steve Popper, Hank Haff, Patty Carey, Ed Olsen, Bob Lewis, Ben Anderson, Tony Delgaizo, and many others, including tradesmen, custodians, and support staff.

These dedicated folks work collaboratively with the schools and staff to ensure the Needham community remains a great place in which to live, work, play and learn.

Happy summer!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Superb Ending to a Productive 2014-15 School Year!

The 2014-15 school year concluded successfully in the Needham Schools, and at its last meeting of the academic year the School Committee celebrated the many accomplishments of students, staff, and the community, including the:

•  Implementation of new elementary programming in Spanish, Wellness, Music, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics); new interdisciplinary courses at the high school, including the Greater Boston Project and robotics/arts programs
•  Integration into the schedule additional time for staff to collaborate, meet, and plan
•  Development of common assessments at every level in an effort to improve the instructional experience for all children and ensure each child has foundational experiences and skills in grades K-12
•  Level One Status achieved by four Needham Schools based on improving MCAS scores
•  Expansion of opportunities to ensure the development of culturally proficient practices and school cultures in each building; expansion of our exchange program with the Daxing School District (Beijing)
•  Opening of the Da Vinci Workshop at NHS in partnership with the NEF and PTC Corporation; incredible elementary family STEAM fair (over 800 attendees!)
•  Continued implementation and strengthening of the educator evaluation program
•  Review and recommended enhancements to school safety protocols; pilot of the A.L.I.C.E (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) protocol
•  Launching of the 1 to 1 Personalized Learning Initiative at High Rock and middle school
•  Development of a possible pathway to implementing Full Day Kindergarten
•  Feasibility study to replace Hillside and expand high school space; Start of construction of Newman Fields and Eastman Conservation areas
•  Assessment of the impact of service learning activities on student growth and achievement
• Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Sportsmanship Award in Skiing and Boys’ Volleyball (The volleyball team also went undefeated and captured the state title!)

It has been a busy and productive year, and we look forward to the opportunity to recharge our batteries over the summer, even as we begin planning for the 2015-16 school year.  For additional information about the district goals and a presentation to the School Committee, check out our website:  2014-15 Goals Update

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Thank You, Town Meeting Members!

Needham’s 2015 Annual May Town Meeting concluded after three long nights, and there was plenty to be grateful for as Town Meeting Members consistently voted to support several school projects and initiatives, including the passage of a $61.5 million operating budget.

Town Meeting also voted to support the following School projects and capital needs:

  Articles 31 & 32:  Newman Athletic Fields and the Eastman Conservation Area received $2.3 million in funding to support the renovation of the fields and the rehabilitation of Eastman.  The Eastman Conservation Area is a popular student destination and will be upgraded and made handicapped accessible.

  Article 41: School Capital Budget includes $511,145 to purchase technology, furniture, and copiers.   These funds will be used to keep school technology and infrastructure current and replace older desktops, some over seven years old.  Copiers and furniture will be replaced only as needed and according to a sophisticated inventory program.

  Article 39:  $150,000 was appropriated to design a 2,500 square foot cafeteria expansion at Needham High School.  The school’s enrollment far exceeds its design capacity, and this café project is the first of two phases of expansion needed at the high school.  Next year, the School Committee will work with Town Boards and Town Meeting to secure additional funds for a classroom expansion project.

In addition to these important school appropriations, Town Meeting also provided funding to address school building upgrades, needs, and maintenance.  Additional funds were voted for other capital needs and contingencies, including for all athletic fields, which are heavily used by Needham’s students and young people.

The Needham community, as represented by its dedicated Town officials, Boards, and Town Meeting Members, has once again wisely prioritized school needs as a clear demonstration of its ongoing commitment to children.  Thanks, Town Meeting!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Space Needs at Needham High School

The School Committee and administration have been studying options for expanding cafeteria and classroom space at Needham High School.  Following are key questions about the identified needs at the school:

Q:  Given many School Committee and Town priorities and the limited resources available, why is the Needham School Committee looking to add space to Needham High School seven years after it opened?

A:  Needham High School lacks sufficient space to meet the current and projected needs of its students, staff, and families.  The community’s expectation for a high performing high school program cannot be met with the existing number of classrooms.

  The high school is—and will remain—over its capacity by 200 students, all of whom learn in classrooms designed below contemporary standards.  For example, Needham High School (NHS) was designed for 1,450 students and opened the doors in 2008 with enrollment of 1,404.  Current enrollment is 1614 and is projected to sustain an average of 1,652 students through the year 2028, the last year for which we have projections. 

  General classrooms at NHS include 760 square ft. of floor space designed to accommodate an average class size of 22 students.  (Current MSBA standards call for classrooms designed to accommodate 23 students at 850 square ft. per classroom.)  Over 125 classes, a quarter of all classes at NHS, hold 25 or more students; due to the lack of adequate space, the number of math, English, social studies, and foreign language classes with 25 or more students has doubled, going from 47 sections in 2007-08 to 95 sections in 2014-15.  The number of core academic classes with 28 or more students has quadrupled in the same time period, going from 5 sections in 2007-08 to 25 in the current year.  Large class sizes limit student-teacher interaction, instruction, and personalization.

  Over half the faculty is scheduled into two or more spaces, resulting in lost preparation time for travel and classroom setup, limited space for student/teacher conferencing, and the loss of an effective, consistent, and personalized instructional environment for students.  Students report that conversations with their teachers and requests for assistance are limited, abrupt, and impractical due to teachers moving back and forth between shared classrooms.

  Conference and collaboration spaces (e.g., METCO, Science, and English conference rooms) have been converted into much-needed classroom space, further limiting and restricting the teacher-student relationship.  This summer a science storage room and the language lab will be turned into permanent classrooms to help provide spaces for the additional 50 to 60 students attending NHS in the fall.

  Options for students will become increasingly limited due to the lack of appropriate space. For example, in the upcoming 2015-16 school year, the lack of an appropriate lab space will limit the numbers of students taking AP Biology.  It has become increasingly difficult to provide spaces for special education classrooms and other spaces to meet the needs of students who may have non-traditional learning needs.  The Greater Boston Project, a new and popular interdisciplinary course involving English, social studies, and math, has 30 students enrolled in the current year; next year’s enrollment tops 90.  However, given space constraints, the program will need to limit participation.  Without additional space, class sizes will continue to stay high; offices, storage areas, library spaces, auditorium, and other non-classroom spaces will be repurposed to meet program needs; and academic programs, including interdisciplinary learning, science instruction, and student support and special education programs will be dropped or curtailed in order to fit within the existing and undersized school building. 

  The cafeteria is undersized, and during most lunches the number of students assigned exceeds the cafeteria’s maximum occupancy of 488.  For example, the second lunch seating has an average of 620 students assigned.  As a result, students are forced to find alternative seating and/or juniors and seniors eat off campus.  The school can no longer simply add seats; additional space must be provided to meet building and safety codes.

Q: What is needed to address the identified space needs at Needham High School?

A: Needham High School requires a minimum of six new classrooms and an expanded cafeteria to sustain its current and projected enrollment and to meet the diverse needs of a high performing academic program.

  The addition of a minimum of six classrooms will a) provide appropriate learning spaces for high school academic programs, including math, English, social studies, science, and special education for the next generation of students; b) keep class sizes within acceptable ranges; and c) ensure students, teachers, staff, and families have adequate space to conference, collaborate, meet, and learn. 

  Certain spaces and rooms that have been repurposed to meet classroom needs will return to their original use and design.  For example, the English conference/curriculum room, currently scheduled with up to six classes, will be restored to its original purpose: a space for teachers, students, and families to study, meet, and conference.  The school will optimize its schedule and spaces to ensure students have options for academic and co-curricular programs.

  An expanded cafeteria with 2,500 additional square feet will alleviate overcrowding and ensure building and safety codes are addressed. 

  The FY16 Capital Plan details available funding for a project in the amount of $4.4 million.  Initial estimates, however, suggest a project with a café expansion and a minimum of six new classrooms may require funding in the amount of $6.7 million. 

The School Committee will pursue at least a cafeteria expansion project at the upcoming May Town Meeting and then work with Town boards and officials to continue to study affordable options for expanding much-needed classroom space.