Sunday, May 31, 2020

We Stand Together

The death of George Floyd, the black man killed by a Minneapolis police officer last week, has resulted in outrage that continues to grow with good reason. The administrators of the Needham Public Schools recognize the root cause in this moment and are committed to addressing structural racism – to expose it, undo it, and help our community heal from its wounds.

We believe there is no place for racism or hate in the classrooms of the Needham Public Schools.
Our schools, and our work with every child, must be part of the solution of addressing the injustices, inequities, and pain that mar and stain our democracy and disproportionately impact our communities of color. We believe all students and staff - indeed all human beings - have dignity and are valued members of our learning community.

With energy, hope, and a deep belief in the promise and possibility of each one of our young people, the district administrators are committed to working with the School Committee,
staff, parents, community members, and especially students, to tackle the challenges of ensuring equity for all. The Race, Equity, Access & Leadership (REAL) Coalition guides this important work. More information with respect to addressing racist and hateful acts, and the importance of equity within the Needham Public Schools, can be found on the district’s website: