
Monday, March 31, 2014

Owning Your Peace/Piece at Needham High School

Recently, several Needham High School students shared their personal stories as part of the high school’s Own Your Peace/Own Your Piece assembly. The assembly is part of a student initiative focused on building student activism, voice, resiliency, and a broad sense of community and respect.

Courageous students stood in front of hundreds and hundreds of their peers to share their personal stories and challenges. Their poignant anecdotes about their struggles with emotional and mental health issues, sexual orientation, racism, or learning issues were thoughtful, articulate, and inspiring. I came away captivated by their mature words and their powerful perspectives that demonstrated a willingness to stand up, take a risk, and  model what we value and how we want students to act.

Of course, it is no accident that the Own Your Peace/Own Your Piece assembly can thrive in a caring community like Needham High. The school's staff, parents, and students value and appreciate one another, and this speak out was yet another example of how the school strives to empower young people and their learning.

Thanks to the brave young men and women at Needham High School who encouraged each one of us to Own Your Peace/Own Your Piece!

Check out the student video that kicked off the week’s activities:  Youtube: NHS Own Your Peace/Own Your Piece

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